Salsa Macho

kids doing krav maga

Krav Maga for Kids | 12 reasons to get started in training early

Krav Maga for kids? Do we really need that?

Well, I’m sure that would be your first reaction when we talk about teaching this hardcore violent military style martial arts to children.

I assure you that it is not what we teach to those soft, innocent and lovable little kids. Because the benefits of learning Krav Maga are huge to a child’s self confidence and development.

The best thing is. You can get into it relatively easily without the need for a lot of gear.

But seriously though, teaching Krav Maga to people – whether kids or adults – is not all about the violence. It is about knowing when to use and when not to use it.

Here are 2 Big Reasons Why Krav Maga Could Be Very Beneficial To Kids.

kids doing krav maga

Check out our post about the gear you need to get yourself, or your kids, started.

#1 Krav Maga will Help Your Child Defend Themselves From Bully’s Who Will Stop At Nothing 

Using Krav Maga to defend themselves from kidnappers, criminals and bullies is the right thing to do. I’d like to point something out to you, we’ve all seen videos of bully teens actually punching another teen who is blind and they have no remorse about it.

Parents, please remind your kids not to become a bully and especially not to bully people with disabilities, it’s disgusting!

It’s well documented that the ones who bully do it form a lack of self confidence and a desire to hide their weakness from others through violence

School bullying has become a serious issue these days and unfortunately, kids still get a black eye or a bloody nose through fights with bully’s at school. And while schools do have some disciplinary measures – some can even get the problem child expelled – they don’t guarantee your child’s safety. Self-defense does and in particularly Karav Maga will.

So ultimately as a parent, you will have to decide whether you’ll want your children to be traumatized suffering at the hands of some school bully, or do you want them to rise up to the challenge and be ever so confident in defending themselves as well as their friends.

#2 Criminals Like to Prey on Kids – Give Your Child A Fighting Chance!

Let’s not also forget that human trafficking is still a multi-billion dollar business in the criminal underworld, and about 60% of the people that they’re trafficking are children. According to the FBI, in 2020 juveniles 18 years old and below accounted to 34%  of the active missing persons in their records.

If you only knew the horrors that these missing kids go through, you will not hesitate for a second to teach your kids self defense and in particularly Krav Maga. Last year famous Hollywood star, Ashton Kutcher, saved 6,000+ kids from a sex trafficking ring via his clever software.

This is probably the biggest humanitarian effort done by one man and yet we rarely ever hear applause or support for what he’s been doing. I mean, the United Nations should back him up on this as his work literally save lives!

kids doing krav maga training

We go on from day to day consciously or unconsciously avoiding the thought of missing kids, because they are too unpleasant to entertain in our minds. But what if the next kidnap victim will be your kids?

That’s right. These threats are very real and it’s better to be prepared for them than to be naïve thinking that you’re safe. You will not always be there to protect your kids, but what they’ll learn in Krav Maga will always be in their minds and their bodies can quickly react to dangerous situations and keep them safe instinctively!

Krav Maga Has Huge Physical And Physiological Health Benefits For Your Child Lets Take a Look At 10 Of These.

#1 Krav Maga For Kids Focuses On Their Development

There’s more to Krav Maga than just pure aggressive violence and, in fact, KM schools put high emphasis on the development of important personality traits such as restraint, self-discipline, courage, self-confidence, the ability to make decisions in stressful situations and the understanding of when to use the acquired knowledge.

Kids between the age of 7 – 15 are at a stage in their lives where they’ll need guidance and molding and KM schools that also cater to children understands this concept deeply, which is why they don’t only teach your kids self-defense but other moral aspects that are also applicable to their daily living.

Much like any other martial arts and sports, Krav Maga can teach your kids much more than just self-defense. Camaraderie, courage, self-respect, and respect for others, sportsmanship and countless of other virtues that will make them good citizens as they grow into adulthood are just among the benefits they can get from learning Krav Maga.

Here is a list of benefits they can also get from Krav Maga:

#2 Krave Maga Teaches Kids to Set Goals and Following Through

While it’s true that children learn faster compared to adults they cannot yet grasp the concept of organization and so almost all the things that they learn they don’t know what to do with it. In Krav Maga and other martial arts as well as sports the learning curve is done through repetition. By practicing moves and drills repeatedly over and over they learn to become organized as the drills start from point A to point B and so on and so forth. Once they are used to that they also start to get organized in their personal lives and they will use the same approach with what they’ve learned in Krav Maga in doing their assignments, studying and eventually excelling in class as time goes by.

#3 Kids Will Gain a Sense of Accomplishment and Self-Confidence Through Learning Krav Maga 

Lack of self-confidence in children comes from not being able to achieve something in their lives. This is very important as kids have simple desires, they like to win in almost anything and they feel depressed when they fail. Now it’s perfectly fine to implant it in their minds that they are more than good enough in your eyes as parents, but they’ll still need tangible proof about what you’re telling them; and there’s no better way to do that than to let them join martial arts school like Krav Maga or sports to get their spirits up! With enough practice and dedication, they will become achievers for practicing krav maga

#4 Krav Maga Will Teach Your Child There is a Time and Place for Everything

It’s very easy for children to misunderstand fighting and violence and that is why in self-defense like Krav Maga they are taught to clearly differentiate self-defense fighting and simply fighting because they want to be violent or let off some steam when they are angry. If they are not taught these important principles, then they become the very bully that you fear your kids will encounter in school. By imposing the rule of pre-conditions, then kids will learn to understand that there are a time and place for fighting (and everything else). Through these principles, they learn self-control, self-respect, respect for others and other important virtues in life.

#5 Kids Learn to Focus and Stay Task Orientated Through Kara Maga Practice

Major research has shown that martial arts like Krav Maga more than other sports help as a treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordermore (ADHD).

#6 Krav Maga Will Teach Your Child to Understand Structures and Rules

In a Krav Maga dojo much like in any other martial arts dojo the students are first taught to know and obey the rules or be expelled from that dojo. They learn to greet the master and their fellow trainees when they come into and leave the dojo. They are taught to only wear their kimonos if they want to practice or spar in the dojo. They also learn how to behave and respect the dojo as it is a place for learning strength and wisdom, therefore no foolishness is allowed there. The rules they learn in the dojo they will soon apply it in their personal lives and they will become the most disciplined members of the community.

#7 Your Child Will Learn Commitment Through Krav Maga Training

The one thing more than anything that’s very hard to get out of people is a commitment, let alone children, but you can get them to commit to training in martial arts or sports. While it’s true that you can learn the basic moves of Krav Maga in a matter of weeks, you’ll still need to commit years of hard work to learn the advanced fighting skills and get the black belt. Martial arts training is based on long-term commitment and there’s no shortcuts or an easy way out. If your kids can make a long-term commitment in martial arts or sports, then they should have no problems in doing the same in their personal decisions, most of which I believe will benefit them a lot.

#8 Relatively Low Cost For The Rewards and Benefits Achieved From Learning Krav Maga

Aside from Shaolin temples, convents, government/privately subsidized sports team and non-profit organizations there are almost no other venues where you can get so much for a meager amount than in martial arts schools. We tend to forget the little things in life that have big benefits on us until we are confronted with the truth of it. In some cases, psychologist and physical therapist even send children to a martial arts school for rehabilitation. And yet compared to the medical costs for a psychiatric evaluation or physical therapy treatment, the amount you pay for martial arts training is meager.
Consider for a moment how much money people are willing to pay for leadership training, business coaching, depression treatment through encouragement (group therapy sessions), life survival skills and many more – you can get these skills and self-empowerment from martial arts training for a fraction of the price.

#9 Krav Maga Can Be Your Child’s Weight Loss Program

Since all martial arts are continuous repetitive exercises, then it is a fact that Krav Maga, Karate and many other martial arts help you lose weight effectively as you train consistently. Martial arts training also help you build endurance, strength, speed, agility and excellent fighting ability. With a balanced diet and rest, you should be able to lose at least 10 pounds in a matter of months, but Krav Maga may not help you get chiseled and shredded, so if you want your muscles to get toned and show off, you may have to do some bodybuilding too! Still, Krav Maga is a great way to lose weight, in fact, you can ask anyone who has trained in Krav Maga about it.

#10 Krav Maga Will Aid You To Discipline Your Kids

With morality taking a dive head first these days. Disciplining your kids to become good citizens, becomes like 3 shifts a day kind of job – it’s increasingly difficult to deal with them.

They are more likely to become rebellious because they’re watching garbage films with R ratings, watching music videos that teach them to become immoral, listen to explicit language songs and hang out with lose-cannon friends.

If you’re almost always not around to give emotional support as parents to your children when they need you most, then that becomes a trigger to negative things and makes the situation even worse.

kids learning krav maga

Enrolling your kids to a Krav Maga school or any other martial arts class will help you discipline them; however, 50% – 75% of the disciplining job will still have to be shouldered by you.

No one can replace parents in child-rearing, so make sure to build your family bonds strong and be the anchor that you kids need when they’re in trouble.

The rest the martial arts teacher will handle it and you can be assured that your kids will come out of it learning respect and honor above all else. They will not have time for drugs or idleness that would lead them doing bad things that could get them into trouble.

Final Thoughts

I can understand that most of you who are parents think that enrolling your kids at a martial arts school, especially one like Krav Maga that has a reputation of brutal violence will only make them violent as they are fed with violence. However, this misconception about Krav Maga and martial arts, in general, is wrong.

In reality, martials is all about self-defense whenever the need arises for you to value self-preservation or to defend your friends and loved ones above all other things. If there’s one thing that evolution has prepared us for is that we have a brain that’s been hardwired to do only one thing – survive!

It’s for all ages, from Krav Maga training for seniors to specialty training for your kids.

And that is what is taught in all martial arts schools, and I do not see a problem with teaching your kids that, do you?